Our 0800 number is toll free from any cell phone or landline in New Zealand
0800 537 529
NEVER speak to the police or detectives about property ownership,
where property came from, who uses property. Nothing.
If you have significant property at stake, do not take advice from generalist criminal or civil lawyers.
Seek out criminal proceeds civil specialists. We cannot stress this enough.
Text or DM us the following:
1. Your full residential address and your full name
2. Family member's full name and date of birth who has been arrested and is in custody (if applicable).
Location where he/she is being held, if known.
3. Send us a scanned copy of any key documents (Applications or charge notices). If you don't have access to camera/scan, then text what the documents are (Applications for ? and what are the charges?)
4. We will call you
5. After the call, we will send you a proposal for engagement with our terms,
conditions, and fees within the next 24 hours
6. You transfer the initial retainer and or fixed fee that is detailed in the proposal for engagement
7. Once we have (1) a signed engagement and (2) the fee paid, we can move quickly from there and begin to help. We will arrange representation for the criminal defence and bail application required,
and we will act on the criminal proceeds matter.
NEVER, NEVER,NEVER speak to the police or detectives if they engage you in conversation about your property or another person's property. Criminal proceeds is all about property and property ownership arrangements and provenance.
You may say things that you think are innocent, but we have seen 'innocent comments'
negatively impact our legal arguments down the track.
Do not speak to the police about anything.