We are private counsel first and foremost.
Despite restraint of funds, you will need access to private funding:
Your own unrestrained funds
Family (the most common source of litigation funding)
Your club
Charitable trusts
Litigation funders
We are now open to conditional fee agreements
If you require civil legal aid, we may agree to triage your matter and arrange civil legal aid representation for you.
We recommend legal aid barristers to you who we rate.
In some circumstances, we will draft strategy for your matter (centrally)
and the legal aid barristers will implement the strategy for you.
For those who are eligible for legal aid, but who do not want to pursue the matter on legal aid,
we may agree to work for you at a discounted market rate.
Civil litigation (which criminal proceeds is) requires both a barrister sole and a solicitor on the record. The solicitors we brief to generally do not charge for their 'solicitor on the record' services OR they charge far lower than market rates. If your matter requires a full service solicitor, their rates will be as provided in their terms of engagement.
You are responsible for paying the legal fees and disbursements of all lawyers involved in your matter.
Please ensure you have sorted your litigation budget and/or source of funding at the start of the matter.
Failure to do so may involve termination of counsel during litigation and/or unnecessary delays during your litigation.
You are responsible for paying the legal fees and disbursements of all lawyers involved in your matter.
Please ensure you have sorted your litigation budget and/or source of funding at the start of the matter.
Failure to do so may involve termination of counsel during litigation and/or unnecessary delays during your litigation.